Sunday, May 31, 2009

Houston, we have a SLEEPER!!!!!!

It's true...we are finally the parents of a child that sleeps through the night!!!!

It's been a loooooonnnnggggg time coming, but alas we are finally here! And as strange as it sounds, saying goodbye to the long sleepless nights are kind of bitter sweet. I mean, when you wake up a lot it makes your night longer, and while you're not getting that solid refreshing sleep, at least the sleep you are getting seems to last a while! But I wouldn't trade these full nights for the long ones ever again!! Now if your child has been one of those magic sleep through the night babies then please...don't judge me...just let me revel (if that's a word) in my wonderful sleep and enjoy it!

Jenna started sleeping through the night about a week ago...but it really got good on Saturday...when she slept until 11AM....that's right people....let's say it together....11 A...M!!!!!
Wooo hoooo!!!!!!! And I know you think that I took full advantage of my time by being a super mom and cleaning and getting the laundry done right? But heck no! I slept right along with was heaven!!!

So if you're the one with the sleepless nights (which usually start during pregnancy), be assured that one day you too will be enjoying these wonderful normal nights again!


Friday, May 1, 2009

POOPY Diaper = Victory!!!!

Oh yes..... I am serious! I literally jumped UP and down when my daughter made such a bIg poopy diaper that it ESCAPED the confines of her "Huggies" diaper and ended up soaking her pants AND my outfit!

You might think this is sTrAnGe! Do you? Well let me EXplain myself......
For the last month or so my daughter's POOP has been VERY hard (she crys when she makes a stinky diaper) I have tried everything to get it back to normal (normal for a 9 month old), but nothing seems to have worked. So I decided to GET AGGRESSIVE about it and get me a nasty poopy diaper!

Here's what I did: I have loaded her up on prunes...yes prunes (baby food)! Of course that it the ultimate baby laxative so it's no secret...but I had to use a combination of a bunch of stuff to master this....prunes, pear juice, LOTs of water, AND sensitive formula (from Similac of course)!

And the result was AWESOME!!!! I would post a picture, but that would be gross....
Ahhh...the things I get excited about now days! Mommyhood is wonderful!!!
