Monday, August 31, 2009

Drano gender test....

Has anyone else ever heard of this? So... the nursery supervisor at my church told me yesterday at church to do a Drano gender test to determine the sex of the baby. She said that she doesn't know anyone it has failed on! So of course when I heard that I decided.....heck yeah!

So today I went to Lowe's to get the Drano (crystals) to start the process.

But here's the deal....
She told me that you put about the same amount of Drano as you do "pee" and of course do it outside bc the smell could knock you out...not to mention it causes a pretty big chemical reaction that isn't safe inside. You get a medium to large glass and put a little Drano (crystals) in it and then you pee in a seperate cup and pour it in. Once the mixture bubbles up and settles, then the sex it determined by the remaining color!

Ok, so I know you probably think it's disgusting (and it is and also smells HORRID)...but I did it!
Before I did it I kinda forgot which color she said was for I checked it out online.
And to my surprise it's actually pretty popular (they say between 89-97% accurate, but also an old wives tale) ....however, the colors that all the different sources online said about gender is not the same as what she said (I asked her again)!

So here I have a bunch of different sources and now "WHO IS RIGHT?"

So here's my theory...since it's been a while since she did it last (4 yrs)...maybe she got the colors confused....OR I am just as much in the dark now as before!

I know want to know what the test said....RIGHT?!?

Well...according to my 5-6 different online sources, if the mixture turns dark and muggy then it's a boy and if it stays clear or lighter then it's a girl.

So "according to my sources" we are having a BOY! Which would be really exciting....but I am not getting my hopes up. Because if my friend is right then the same color means its a girl! Also exciting.....

AAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!! What do you think?

Either way...I will get my sono in about 3 weeks or we'll know for sure then


Friday, August 28, 2009

To do or not to do.....

So I am sitting here writing out all the projects that need done in our house before this next baby arrives...and really preferably before the holidays arrive.

I have to move Jenna into her new room by the end of September which means re-painting, re-carpeting, new blinds, trim around windows, staining furniture, new outlets, etc.

Then I still need to finish putting up shelves in my master bathroom and finish out the decorating. (ok, I can live without the decorations, but not the shelves.)

Next, I have to get Jennas current room ready for the new baby, which means new carpet, re-painting, new outlets, new blind, etc.

Oh and lets not forget the BIGGEST of them all....that would be the kitchen remodel! Oh yes! All the cabinet doors have to be replaced, the current cabinets sanded down and re-stained, new sink, new countertops, new backsplash, new venthood, fix the stove, new lighting, taking out the hanging cabinets oh and yes, PAINTING!

Now of course I am going to hire out the kitchen re-model. But just having my kitchen taken away for a week or two is not cool and I have to get this done before I have a new born! I mean, I am going to be working hard as it is keeping the dust and stuff away from Jenna! Then there's the question of food...I mean, I don't want to eat out solid for 1-2 weeks! Especially bc it's just tiring! But I know it has to be complaining about it is just a waste.

You might be asking why we are doing all this remodeling?

Well, let me take a chance to explain....
The house we live in was originally a rent house we had, and of course we had tenants. The house was originally only supposed to be ours for about 6 months and the people we had in it were in contract to buy it from us. However, they fell behind on their pymts and the rest is history. They are no longer here, and well, we are. The only reason we are is because when I saw the house (I was in my early stages of pregnancy with Jenna & didn't know it) I decided to "flip this house!" (total hormones)

Anyways, so here we are remodeling! And in a few years when it's done and we have decided exactly where we want to build or re-locate to (probably Mansfield or Midlothian area) we will sell. But until that it's remodel time!!! We have already remodeled both bathrooms and most of the living room. So things are looking up....

But here's the whole reason for this blog....
So we haven't had a "vacation" since our 1 year anniversary in 2006. I mean that's 3 years! We have had a few getaways, but no actual "vacation." Knowing that we will be having another baby, the possibility of us being able to take a vacation after that will be very slim. And it is MUCH needed. My husband works 50-55 hours a week. Except for Wednesdays and Sundays, my husband doesn't even get home until about 8:45p.m. (on a good day)
I mean, we are so blessed to be able to have our own business, and God has done amazing things with it. But some alone time with my husband would be marvelous!

So here's the we vacation or get all the remodeling done? Now the perfect thing would be to have my kitchen remodeled while we are on vacation, but do we dare?

Tough choice....because where we really want to vacation is Atlantis in the Bahamas!
We went there for our 1 year anniversary and the place is amazing!!!
(check it out at
I talk about a luxury vacation...that place is immaculate!

Then there's the tough part of leaving my little girl here without us...ahh! I have never left her overnight...but I figure between my sister and having JD's parents stay here at the house we could manage.

I'll let you know what we decide....just thought I'd share what's been going on in my head today!


Thursday, August 27, 2009

Boy or Girl....which one do I REALLY want?

So being pregnant yet again I get this questions a lot... "So do you want a boy this time?"
And honestly the answer is.... "Do I?" Yes I know my answer is another question, but that's just it, I DON'T KNOW!

Here is how I see it.....
It doesn't really matter what I want, because it won't change what is already inside me. My baby already has a gender, and praying for something won't change the gender this child already is. And for that matter...I would be praying something different every day! That's called pregnancy hormones people!

You Moms can probably relate to this, but when I was pregnant with Jenna I REALLY wanted a girl. But in order to save myself from being let down I convinced myself it was a boy. But this time around, I honestly don't care!

So I compiled a list of Pro's and Con's for either...don't judge know you did it too, I am just brave enough to admit it.

For a GIRL!
1. Super cute & girly
2. Great playmate for Jenna
3. I have a girl, I am a girl, I know how they work!
4. I can re-use all of Jennas stuff and hardly have anything to buy!
5. My sister and I are only 17 months apart and grew up extremely close and are best friends to this day...I wish that for my kiddos!
6. Pink, pink, and MORE pink!!!
7. Dolls, barbies, ballet classes, & dress up!!!
1. 2 girls....ahhh! Am I ready for all this personality?
2. How will I keep all their stuff seperated...or will I?
3. Girl competition...I mean being this close together might mean they would end up liking the same boy!
For a BOY!
1. I don't have a boy...this could be really cool!
2. J.D. would have a little man to teach, train, and get his sports coaching skills out on!
3. I would get to register for all new stuff! Since I didn't register for ANYTHING gender neutral when Jenna was born....ehh...God will provide!
4. I could have a Momma's boy! Not in the wimpy the sweet, cuddly way!
5. Sports, sports, and MORE sports...I love sports...and Jenna could be his cheerleader!
6. Blue, green, trucks, balls, cars, and whatever else boys like to play with!
7. I will have a little man to dress, cut his hair, and style cool hats on!
1. Boys have a lot of energy....and we don't have a big back yard...what am I going to do to help him release all that energy?
2. I will have to get all new stuff...I have NOTHING for boys!
3. Ummm... I will have to be ULTRA careful changing his diaper...I have had suprises from my nephew....they're not pretty!
Now I know that there are tons more Pro's than I have written down for both girls and boys. And actually, even the "con's" are pro's. Because with each challenge comes the opportunity to grow as a person and as a parent! I am so excited to be having a 2nd baby, and I will be thrilled with either a boy or a girl! I have a wonderful husband who will help me and a wonderful little girl who will be a terrific big sister!
I know that God has always and will always provide! I am looking forward to the challenge and opportunity of a new little baby to raise in a Godly home. And even though it's still years away, I am looking forward to homeschooling my little angels!

Monday, August 24, 2009

My little Jenna is a 1 year old!

I know that yet again I have waited over a month to blog...things have been so busy around here I just haven't been able to find time to get my thoughts down.

But on July 15, Jenna celebrated her very 1st Birthday!!! That's right this year has flown by so quick and she is now a toddler! It was such a wonderful birthday week for our family. On Wednesday (15th) I made breakfast and her little cousins Andrew and Kyrie came over to eat and brought balloons. Then after some playtime and naps JD, Jenna, and I went to Toys R Us to pick out some toys for her! She had a lot of fun! Then off to church in the evening.

We had her birthday party on Saturday the 18th at the Little Gym. She LOVES that place and we wanted to have a place indoors to be able to have everyone, and it worked great!
After the party she was pooped so we went home and she napped for a few hours then we went to the back yard and hit the pinata with the family and then off to the carnival to enjoy the rides!

She was blessed with tons of gifts and the kids had so much fun playing together!
I am amazed at how fast my little Princess has grown. I vividly remember the day I gave birth to her, and all of the work involved throughout this year to get where we are. But I wouldn't have changed a thing. She is such a perfect little angel! I mean of course she's a kid...but she brings so much joy to our family, and gives us so much life! I have no idea what we did before we had is so full now!

Here are a few pics of her birthday week!

Eating her morning pancakes!

Getting ready to go shopping with Daddy

Playing with giraffe at Toys R Us

Her gorgeous Princess cake

Jenna playing

Hitting her pinata! She tried, but the stick was a little heavy!

Jenna had so much fun at the carnival!