Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Jenna's end of year program

On May 25th we attended Jenna's end of the year school program at her school. It was ADORABLE to say the least! First off, the auditorium was PACKED!! So to put a group of toddlers up in from of hundreds of people to sing a song is going to be comical. They were so cute! She just kind of stood there and clapped. Which made me the proudest Mom ever! I absolutely LOVE my little girl. And am SO proud her!
Here are a few pictures....

Jenna's class

My beautiful little girl!

Our little family, oh so proud of Jenna! Her Daddy even got her a rose :)


Sunday, May 16, 2010

I'm so sorry you're white....

I know that title sounds funny. But that is pretty much how I felt at the MAC counter yesterday.

So, being a mother means several things....endless work, endless rewards, no sleep, slobbered on food, poop on hands, poop on clothes, poop everywhere, etc.

To prove my point, yesterday I changed 6 diapers from 8-10AM. Yes, that is right. It's such a glamorous job.

Anyways, one of the highlights (total sarcasm) of my job is that I am progressively getting whiter as the days SLOWLY pass by. I bought some foundation not too long ago at MAC that matched my skin just fine. I am now halfway through the bottle and 2 shades too light for this make-up. It is a problem. My solution? No, not to go get tan enough to match my make-up, but to spend another $34(w/tax) on a new lighter shade of make-up.

So we go to the MAC counter and I tell them what I need. The lady looks at me with a sad look on her face, I guess most people that use MAC make-up don't let themselves get as white as I have. Here I am thinking, "I am an easy customer, I know what I want and this girl gets a great sale!" The girl, obviously not a saleswoman, gives me a plethora of options..... lay out, tanning membership, mystic, self tanner, lots of bronzer, etc. Then when I decline and say, it's okay, I'll just take the make-up. She looked at me like I was dying and said, "I'm sorry..."

I am guessing this is because when I asked to see a lighter shade, she replied saying that it was the lightest shade they carry.... I am not worried, I don't think it's possible for me to get any whiter than I currently am.

Maybe I'll get some sun time at some point....


Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day!!!
I love Mother's Day. I have celebrated 3 so far, my first was when I was pregnant with Jenna, then with Jenna last year, and now with 2 girls this year!!
As every year, this year we went to church. Then of course because we have little ones we came straight home for nap time. We picked up some Rosa's (delish!!) and had JD's family over to chill at the house for a little while.
It was nice and relaxing. Nearing the end of the visit, Jenna and Andrew were playing and somehow ended up having a collision which sent Jenna into a metal chair where she sliced her gums up all around the middle of her top tooth. Her little mouth was filled with blood which ended up ruining a brand new shirt I had spent lots of money on and her little shirt as well...nice. That night she woke up with her mouth filled with blood again. I felt so sorry for my little love. It's amazing how much it hurts your heart when your baby is in pain. I wish so bad I could take it all away instantly. We prayed over her and told her pain to leave, then she fell asleep on the rocker with JD and they took a small nap. I guess that is the fun of having little ones! Lots of stories to tell them later!
After nap time we went shopping and JD bought me a beautiful leather recliner! I had been asking him for a recliner and he did great! I have spent the week rocking and reclining with both my girls and that is the best! Especially because I could only hold 1 of them on the glider, so this is SO much better....keeps all the ladies of the Diaz household happy!!
After that we ended up at the mall and a few other stores. Then headed off to church.
All in all, a very eventful but Happy Mother's Day!
I am so blessed to be the Mother to my 2 wonderful girls!!!


Thursday, May 13, 2010

Happy Birthday, JD!!

On Saturday, May 8th, JD celebrated his 32nd Birthday! We (I) had a nice birthday day planned out, but the whole day ended up changing, and it was so much fun!!
The Friday night before, I made a special grilled steak dinner with baked potatoes, etc.
I decided that I wanted to begin a tradition that the girls make JD a cake for his birthday. So I bought all the stuff and we began.

This is what I consider making a cake from scratch, I don't bake...

Jenna is a little baker in training

First layer....done!
Almost done...

Finishing touches...

All done!!!

Jenna and Daddy sharing cake!!

On Saturday, which was JD's actual birthday. We woke up and I cooked breakfast. Then Kody and the Freeze kids came over and hung out with JD and Jenna, while Amy, Bella and me went to a baby shower for a friend from church.

After the shower we went to Amy and Kody's because JD's mom was cooking JD a birthday dinner (Mmmmm...yummy Taco's!), then we went home for some quick naps. After nap time we loaded up and headed off to the Ranger game. We had a great time! Rangers won which was even better. We had great seats on the 3rd row from the front, on the 3rd base line.

During the game they had different segments where they would film the crowd dancing, etc. The first shot they got of us was when the crowd was supposed to sing s Texas song. It was of Jd and me holding the girls...cute! Then they got Jenna dancing 2 other times after that! It was fun, and she LOVED it!

Our little family of 4!

Miss Jenna in the hat we bought her and the shirt they gave us when we came in...
Little Miss Kyrie

Andrew (he was being funny, not wanting to look at the camera!)


Sunday, May 9, 2010


Last Sunday, May 1st, we decided to go by the park on the way to the evening service at church.
Jenna LOVES her Daddy, and what's better than being able to spend time with Daddy WHILE feeding ducks!!!
or pigeons...
We saw a beaver!!! It freaked me out at first....
Daddy's girls

Mommy and Bella

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Jenna's a big girl now...

Beginning in April, for some reason Jenna started crying when we would put her to bed. She used to just lay in bed and fall asleep on her own. I think that it was a combination of 2 things: 1. I rock Bella to sleep and Jenna really wanted to do the same.
2. She was totally over the whole being in a crib thing and wanted to grow up!

Jenna attends a nursery school 2 days a week. Her teacher told me that when it's nap time that Jenna walks over to get her blanket and lays on her mat and falls asleep with no problems! So I know that she's totally capable of moving up to a toddler bed without problems.

So I posted a status on facebook asking fellow Moms advice on how to switch her. I received some great advice and decided that she was ready. So that night I pulled her mattress out of her crib and laid it on the ground next to her bed. She slept there all night just fine! Whew! I was so happy! So the next day while she was at school, I took Bella and we went to Babies R' Us to purchase a toddler bed.

We went from there to pick Jenna up from school and then home to put this tiny piece of ridiculously hard furniture together! I like to consider myself a pro at putting furniture together, but this little bed was ridiculous. Partly because I thought I knew what I was doing and put the whole thing together wrong and had to take the whole thing apart and put it back together. But once it was done it was beautiful! My Aunt Cynthia made both of my girls beautiful quilts and they are the perfect size for a toddler bed.

Jenna is officially a big girl! She has slept in her bed every night with no problems and as far as I know she hasn't fallen out either! During her daily naps, when she's done, she comes and knocks on the door so I'll hear her and let her out!

I am so proud of my little love. She is growing up so quick and flying through all the new little stages of her life so quick. What a blessing she is to us!!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Blessed beyond measure...

On April 24th the ladies at my church hosted a "Baby Bella debut" shower for us!

It was such a blessing!!! It was at Wendy's house and we were abundantly blessed with lots of clothes, accessories, and some great books! Just what we were needing for little Miss Bella.

Girls are just so fun! I love my little angels...and all the girly-ness that goes along with it!

Easter 2010 with our Family of 4!

Easter was lots of fun this year! It happened to be April 4 which is also Natalies birthday. So after church we took our girls home and let them nap. Then we headed to Bethany and Nathans for Natalies birthday party! All in all it turned out to be a great day!

Bella and Jenna

Proud grandparents get some Bella bonding time, while little Miss Jenna plays in Natalies new playhouse! Our family is blessed!!!

Bella's 2 month well-check

On April 13th we had Bella's 2 month well check. And just like before, she's absolutely perfect!!
Her stats are 11lbs. 9 oz. 201/2 in long.
Here are a few pictures of her ride there!

Jump! Jump! Jump!

In March we purchased a trampoline for the girls! Although, right now it's mostly for Jenna.

It was quite a deal trying to get it put together. And not because it's hard, but because our backyard it pretty small and filled with trees! So we had to cut down several limbs to get the trampoline put it! But Jenna and her cousins love it, and it is wonderful to work out some of that energy!!
Jenna's a big helper! Trying it out with Dad! JD putting on the net

Sesame Street Live!!!

On February 26th we took the girls to see Sesame Street Live at the Nokia Theatre in Dallas.
WOW!!! What an amazing show! I definitely recommend taking kids to see it. We will make it an annual family event from now on! Jenna was so intrigued the whole time. She had a BLAST!!!
Jenna is the ultimate Daddy's girl....they're in love! We had great seats!

Jenna's $10 balloon!

Bella Reese was Dedicated!

On March 7, 2010, Bella Reese was dedicated by our Pastors at church. It was such a special time for our family!
We are so blessed to attend the church we attend, Overcoming Faith Christian Center in Arlington. This church has blessed us and changed our lives in so many ways. We learn every week how to take the practical application of God's Word and put it to work to change everything around us. And thank God for it! We had our 2 yr anniversary at the church in mid-February. Jenna was dedicated there 2 months after she was born. And Bella was dedicated 2 weeks after her birth! What a blessing!!

Here are some of the pictures of the dedication...

Bellas first week

I guess it's about time I tell you all about Bella's first week!

The first week was filled with lots of fun and adjustment. It is definitely a different world having 2 kids. And 2 so close together! I wouldn't change it for the world. I love my girls and all of the thrills and challenges that it brings with it! We brought Bella home on Saturday, Feb 13. The ground was still COVERED in SNOW!! Coming home was funny (I use that word very loosely) because we had left in such a rush with no electricity. And my home wasn't in the condition I wanted to leave it in before heading to the hospital. But thanks to my great in-laws who stayed here while we were gone, it was very welcoming. We spent the first 2 days just relaxing. I was feeling pretty good!
She had her first bath on Sunday, Feb 14th. On the following Monday we went to Bella's 2 day checkup and she was down to 7lbs 10 oz. but absolutely perfect! However, the first week definitely came with challenges. Jenna was overcoming some cold symptoms and so we had to keep her and Bella about 3 feet apart for several days. Which was especially difficult because Jenna was used to me being with her all the time and I wanted her to enjoy being a big sister and have as much time with Bella as possible. It took Jenna several days to get over, but boy was I glad when it was over!
On Monday, Tuesday, and Saturday we were so blessed to have meals provided by Bethany, my Dad and Jane, Angie, and Erica. It is such a blessing to have meals provided. The last thing I wanted to think about what trying to cook for everyone while recovering. What a blessing my family and friends are...
On Wednesday, Feb 17, we ventured out on our first family outing, the mall of course! We let Jenna play at the inside playground and ate at the food court. It was successful!
Nearing the end of the week, I knew JD was going to have to go back to work that next Monday. Honestly, I was very nervous and a little overwhelmed. But I made it through, one day at a time. I won't say I did it without tears, but at least I did it!
Here are a few pics of Bella's first week...
The girls with Papa and Mimi
Bella getting ready for her first bath
Check out all her hair, not just on her head, look at her back!
Bella with the man in her life....her Daddy!