The first week was filled with lots of fun and adjustment. It is definitely a different world having 2 kids. And 2 so close together! I wouldn't change it for the world. I love my girls and all of the thrills and challenges that it brings with it! We brought Bella home on Saturday, Feb 13. The ground was still COVERED in SNOW!! Coming home was funny (I use that word very loosely) because we had left in such a rush with no electricity. And my home wasn't in the condition I wanted to leave it in before heading to the hospital. But thanks to my great in-laws who stayed here while we were gone, it was very welcoming. We spent the first 2 days just relaxing. I was feeling pretty good!
She had her first bath on Sunday, Feb 14th. On the following Monday we went to Bella's 2 day checkup and she was down to 7lbs 10 oz. but absolutely perfect! However, the first week definitely came with challenges. Jenna was overcoming some cold symptoms and so we had to keep her and Bella about 3 feet apart for several days. Which was especially difficult because Jenna was used to me being with her all the time and I wanted her to enjoy being a big sister and have as much time with Bella as possible. It took Jenna several days to get over, but boy was I glad when it was over!
On Monday, Tuesday, and Saturday we were so blessed to have meals provided by Bethany, my Dad and Jane, Angie, and Erica. It is such a blessing to have meals provided. The last thing I wanted to think about what trying to cook for everyone while recovering. What a blessing my family and friends are...
On Wednesday, Feb 17, we ventured out on our first family outing, the mall of course! We let Jenna play at the inside playground and ate at the food court. It was successful!
Nearing the end of the week, I knew JD was going to have to go back to work that next Monday. Honestly, I was very nervous and a little overwhelmed. But I made it through, one day at a time. I won't say I did it without tears, but at least I did it!
Here are a few pics of Bella's first week...
The girls with Papa and Mimi
Bella getting ready for her first bath
Check out all her hair, not just on her head, look at her back!

Check out all her hair, not just on her head, look at her back!
Bella with the man in her life....her Daddy!
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