The first day or two after I came home from the hospital, I was SO nervous about taking care of 2 little girls. I hadn't been nervous about it at all up until that point. But any of you Mom's know how overwhelming it is to come home from the hospital with a new baby. And that wasn't even the hard part for me. My thing was the amount of time a new baby takes and that I really felt like I wasn't giving enough of my attention to Jenna. Thank the Lord that JD was able to take a week off! I will say that my recovery with Bella has been much better than it was with Jenna. I think that being a first time Mom is such new territory for anyone. And coming home with a baby that takes up every bit of your time and energy is so draining that no matter how prepared you think you are, it completely drains you both physically and emotionally.
However, I was much better prepared for Bella. I am already used to having limited if any time for myself. And I am not nervous about the care a newborn needs, having been through this just a short 19 months ago.
So after my wonderful week of having my husband taking care of us it was time for him to go back to work. Yesterday was his 1ST day back and my first full day on my new job as a Mom of two!! I'll be honest, it was probably the longest day of my life. However, I was so thankful to make it through and do so with a little bit of productivity as well! I just love being a Mother!
And the only thing better than having the sweetest, cutest, most precious little girl to have TWO of them!!!

Yea!!! I'm so proud of you! Please, you made it AND had time to blog? Geez, I don't even do that anymore!