Welcome to the world, Jett Tynacin Diaz!
On April 4, 2013 we welcomed our perfectly handsome little guy, Jett Tynacin Diaz!
Last year (2012) we prayed for a little boy and in July I became pregnant with our little blessing. My pregnancy was blessed with no complications. The only challenges were the norm, fatigue and nausea followed by vomiting almost every day. But it's hard to complain when the result is such a beautiful little life! We are blessed!
In March, my OBGYN and I discussed Jett's size and due date and we decided that even though I wasn't due until April 9th, that if I was still pregnant by the 3rd we would induce that night. Well on Wednesday, April 3rd at 11am I went into labor on my own! I could tell exactly when it happened and the contractions started immediately. But not planning to go into the hospital until that night at 8pm I had several things still on my to-do list! So I packed up the girls and headed to town. We went and got the oil changed on the van and then to Wal-Mart to get a few last minute things. By the time we got home my contractions were about 7 minutes apart. I put the girls down for naps and loaded the van. Finished painting my nails and getting ready and waited on my Husband to get home. I have always been sort of oblivious to pain, so until back labor starts - all other pregnancy pains are a breeze! Back labor on the other hand.......
I started having back labor in my lower back and the contrations were getting even closer. Once JD got home we loaded up and headed to Burleson. We met Papa, Gigi, Amy and the kids at McDonalds for a quick dinner before dropping our girls off at my sister's house and heading to the hospital.
Once we got to the hospital my contractions were pretty consistent and the furthest apart were 7 minutes.
We got settled into our room and I put on my slippers I was so excited to wear! I had picked them out a few weeks in advance and wouldn't let myself wear them until I was in the hospital
I am so thankful for the staff at Huguley Hospital. My nurse (Farrah Barnes) was amazing and made such a huge difference in my delivery!
They put me on pitocin about 2-3 hours in to ramp up my labor and boy did it! That was my first time on Pitocin, and it was intense, but honestly - I can't talk enough about how back labor changes the game for me, someone could punch me in the face while having a contraction and I don't think it would phase me compared to the pain of a contraction that grips your back. HOLY. COW. Shortly after they started pitocin I got my epidural. I was also able to get the anesthesiologist I wanted, who is the best! The epidural took well and helped curb the intense back pain - eh, kinda. Once my epidural took affect I dozed off for a 1.5 hour nap, praise the Lord!
Around 3am my water broke and I was then wide awake because I knew things were happening , my nurse checked me and I was dilated to a 4. 20 minutes later she checked me and I was at a 10! At that point we were calling Bethany and Jessica Rockwell (my photographer) and Dr. Duran was called. We hung out until probaby 3:45 or so when everyone got there before we started pushing. A few pushes with wonderful guidance from Farrah and Dr. Duran and Jett was born! Entering the world at 3:59am, weighing in at 8lbs. 1oz. and 18.5 inches long. He had a full head of brown hair and blue eyes! Such a handsome little guy!
We are so blessed with his life. We have always loved the name "Jett" which in Hebrew means, "excellence, abundance and riches." And Tynacin, pronounced "ten-uh-sin" is a combination of the letters from JD's Mom and my Moms names.
We left the hospital Friday morning, April 5th and brought our family of 5 home!
God is so good and so faithful! This whole pregnancy has been a testament of His goodness. He has provided more than enough and has met even our smallest desires. Our God is awesome!!