Saturday, October 3, 2009

The results are in and.......

IT'S A GIRL!!!!!!!!!!

I couldn't be more thrilled to announce that we are having a GIRL!!!
Oh the amount of personality that will soon fill this home!

We went for our sonogram yesterday (Thurs, Oct 1st). And it was actually last minute, because otherwise we would have had to wait for another week (at least).

So bring it on....bows, pink, personality, giggles, fun, matching outfits, etc!

My sister and I are only 17 months apart and most of the time people thought we were twins. My Mom always dressed us in matching outfits and bows. I will definitely do that to my girls...they will love me for it one day!

The sono tech said that the baby is measuring a little big and is growing at 88%, so it's possible that she could come early. I will keep you posted!

And the next question I know everyone wants to know is what we will name her, but we haven't decided on a name yet, and I have no idea when we will! That might be one of those things we decide on when we have her...we'll see! Several of the names that I love are already taken (sad face) by different babies around the same age, so that stinks. But we'll come up with something, and I'll let you know when we do!

Goodnight, sleep tight!


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